For the past few days I’ve been on web errands trying to look out for attractive about us page examples and what made them tick. An about us page is the sole page that allows your audience get to know you better before they even start transacting business with you. So, if they don’t actually get to know about you at this point, you might as well close doors to prospecting clients. So, after my web errands, I came up with conclusive and crucial points to consider that will help us create an about us page content that is attractive and engaging. Let’s go through them point by point.
1. Does your about us page acquaint your guests with information about you?
As I mentioned above, does your audience know you? What is it that you actually do? In just a few descriptive lines, what are the kind of products and services that you offer? You can also connect deeper with your audience by telling them how it all started. Was it inside your parent’s garage, your bedroom, university dorm room? It’s important to make yourself acquaintable and your about us page content should capture these details. Have a look at the Squarespace’s about us page example.
2. Do you have any cohorts mentioned in your about us page?
As you plan out your about us page design, consider a spot for mentioning the people who help you run your business. It’s also good to mention if you are the sole proprietor. Look at the about us page content for the Nice and Serious Creative agency especially the ‘Behind the Curtains’ section.
3. Can your potential customers reach out to you while still in your about us page?
Basically, while coming up with your about us page design and content, provide a quick way for your potential customers to contact you. It may be a link to the contact us page or a contact form on the about us page. You can also include an email subscription form and your social media links on the about us page to get to connect with your clients. Look at this beautiful example on Interactive Red Digital Agency about us page.
4. Can you verify your credibility in your about us page?
Verifying your credibility can be done simply by showcasing your customers’ testimonials and may be mentioning a few big wigs that you are dealing with as clients. By showcasing your portfolio of clients on your about us page, your prospecting clients can contact a few of the clients that you are dealing with or have previously dealt with, to verify if your business is really genuine and credible. This process also creates a trust between you and your clients. Let’s look at this wonderful example at Union’s Digital Agency about us page.
More About Us Page Examples
Having considered the above points on creating a good about us page, let’s check out more creative about us page examples.